Meet the Member: Mark Scygiel

Mr. Purdue
Tell me a little about your 21st century life. Where do you work? Family? Hobbies and interests other than reenacting?

Mr. Scygiel
I work at Four Winds Casino in Security management and have been there for 13 years. I’m happy married, going on 12 years now. My other interests are playing golf, and collecting hot wheels and matchbox cars.

Mr. Purdue
How and when did you get into Civil War reenacting? When and how did you become a member of the 24th Michigan?

Mr. Scygiel
I got into reenacting from my dad Greg back in early ‘96. We were in Gettysburg and saw a living history event by the PA monument. The 24th Michigan was there and my dad signed up and fell in ‘97 And year later I joined. Six years ago I decided to go green and joined the 2nd USSS Comp B (Michigan). I am still an active member of the 24th; those are my boys, I’ll never let them down!

Mr. Purdue
What do you enjoy most about reenacting?

Mr. Scygiel
I enjoy reenacting because I feel like I want to keep the history alive and show others what it was like being a solder in the Civil War.

Mr. Purdue
Are there any special skills or talents that you would like to use in reenacting?

Mr. Scygiel
I like to show more of my shooting skills as a Sharpshooter and show the spectators what the qualifications were like